Friday, August 5, 2011

Baby Avy's Dream

by 8RG

In the world today there is a little light named Avy. She was born only about a year ago, but she has already faced challenges that most of us will never have to endure. Even so, she and her family are moving forward with courage and a great deal of love for each other - holding on what is good and positive and beautiful.

Baby Avy has a dream... to dance with her father.

I don't personally know Avy or her parents, but when a friend sent me the link last night I was deeply touched by their story and this simple wish. So simple, just to dance, but worth so very much. You see, Avy suffered an in-utero stroke which caused complications including cerebral palsy. And though with parents like hers she will always have the best kind of love and support - still this will not be an easy journey for her. Or an inexpensive one.

But there is a way - as simple as this wish to dance - that folks out there can help both Avy and her parents. It doesn't cost anything but some of your time (and perhaps a tiny piece of your heart). You can get all of the information at a Facebook page set up especially for Avy and her dream (it is her father's dream too).

Go to the link included in the information of the page and click 'Like' for Baby Avy's Dream. If she gets the most votes, she will receive $10,000 to help with medical expenses.

That's it... so simple. Everyone can do it.

And if you'd like to do just a bit more, spread the word to your friends.

There are so many worries and troubles in the world, I know. So many. But here is a chance to do one good thing today. One good thing. How much better life would be if everyone tried to find one good thing to do every day.

Well - it doesn't get any easier than this... here is your 'one good thing' for today.

Please visit Baby Avy's Facebook Event page here to get all of the links and info:

Baby Avy's Dream

One good thing - a sweet girl dancing with her father. A simple dream. Lets make this happen.

I hope you dance, Baby Avy... I hope you dance with your father who obviously loves you so very much.



  1. Thank you so much for posting this!

  2. This is a beautiful post. Thank you!

  3. We are many, many times happy to help out even in this really small way. Keeping Baby Avy and all who love her in our very best thoughts...
